Saturday, July 18, 2009

Outraged Yet?

In an interview with the New York Times published on July 7th, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the following about the court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision:

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. "

Say what ... ?

Sounds like something out of the Third Reich Handbook. But in thinking about it, Ginsburg's thoughts do not come as that big of a surprise. The only real surprise is that her private thoughts became public. Was it a slip up on her part? Or has the time finally come when the closet eugenicists in America are no longer afraid to hide their real agenda?

The often venerated Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, held these views. Of course abortion rights activists fail to mention this little fact when they praise their champion and role model.

President Obama's Science Czar, John P. Holdren, is even more brazen than Ginsburg:

"There exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated...It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society."

Wait a minute! Science Czar?

Holdren goes on to reveal even more insidious ideas.

"All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons."

Read about it in John Griffing's article in American Thinker.

Now of course, here in the land of the free, Americans are still technically allowed to hold unique ideas and even speak about them. So Ginsburg and Holdren both are free to cogitate and regurgitate their deepest thoughts as they choose. But friends, what's scary is that these people hold high positions of leadership and influence in our land. One sits on the highest court. The other holds title to an unaccountable office in the White House and was appointed to this enigmatic role by our president.

And speaking of freedom of thought and speech, a new word has entered the American lexicon: TERRACIDE. It can't be found in the dictionary, but I can only assume it means the willful and deliberate destruction of planet earth. The term is being used by global warming extremists as they spew their malevolent rants against global warming skeptics. They label deniers "treasonous." One hatemonger even calls for Nuremberg-Style trials. Read all about it here.

And now the Congress is working on a "Hate Crimes" bill. I guess we will soon be punished not only for the crime itself, but also for what they think we were thinking before we committed it.

Oh yeah ... U.S. Army reservist, Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, scheduled for deployment to Afghanistan, filed a court demand to be classified as a "conscientious objector." His claim is that Barack Obama has failed to offer indisputable proof that he is eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. A cloud surrounding the legitimacy of the president's birth certificate remains and there are numerous suits in various stages throughout the country questioning his eligibility. Cook's argument is that Obama is not a legitimate Commander in Chief and that he is not obligated to follow his orders.

On Tuesday, July 14th, Cook's orders were unexpectedly rescinded. The decision was hailed as a huge victory for all who have been pressing hard on the question of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate viability.

But wait ... there's more to the story.

On July 15th, Defense Security Services, an agency of the Department of Defense (DOD), ordered Cook's employer, Simtech Inc, a defense contractor for the DOD, to fire him. Simtech CEO, Larry Grice, confirmed that he had received instructions from the government agency to fire Major Cook.

What is the message here? Was the order to rescind Cook's deployment orders a set up? Release him then have him fired the next day. Our government is sending us all a very chilling message.

Friends, how much more will it take to outrage you enough to become involved in the emerging nationwide movement to push back against our rapidly-growing, over-spending, over-reaching, manipulative, power-hungry federal government?

Those familiar with history can clearly see what's happening.

None of these outrageous trends are going away. They are accelerating. Eugenic genocide. The thought police. Intimidation tactics. Bury your head in the sand if you wish. Pretend that it's business as usual. Or throw up your hands in defeat. "It's too late. There's nothing we can do." Or continue to buy into the lie that Christians should not become involved in these kinds of things.

Whatever you do, know this: The America we have all known and loved is quickly disappearing from the scene.


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